Estate / Settle Debt / Pay Medical Bills

Pay Medical Bills

Once other higher priority debt has been taken care of, pay any expenses from the deceased's medical treatment.

These bills include, but are not limited to:

  • Hospital

  • Nursing home

  • Hospice

  • Long term care facility

These bills can be paid in a variety of ways, depending upon the circumstances of the debt.

Payment types include, but are not limited to:

  • Private health insurance or Medicaid may pay these debts, but depending upon the circumstance of the debt they may also seek repayment

  • In Community Property States, the debt of one spouse may be equally owned by the other

  • Some states require that the surviving family, specifically Next of Kin, are responsible for medical debt incurred by nursing homes or long term care facilities

  • If the debt was co-signed by another person, then it may be the responsibility of that individual

The final ruling in any of these situations is based upon certain circumstances, so speak with a Probate Attorney for more information before continuing.

See the links below to search for local attorneys and learn more about settling medical bill debt for a deceased person.