Coping / Emotional Support / Understand Grief

Understand Grief

Even though death may be understood as a natural part of life, one can still be overcome by emotion, and in many unexpected ways.

All of these various feelings are a normal part of the Grieving process, a natural expression of loss.

Grief is more than just sadness.

Research shows that people typically feel a wide range of emotions, regardless if the death was expected, or if their relationship with the deceased was complicated.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Shock

  • Confusion

  • Disbelief

  • Denial

  • Sadness

  • Depression

  • Anger or general irritability

  • Hypersensitivity

  • Numbness

  • Guilt

  • Relief

These feelings can even manifest physically and / or behaviorally; some people report feelings that include, but are not limited to:

  • Forgetfulness or difficulty focusing

  • Withdrawn or disconnection

  • Loss of appetite

  • Lack of energy

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Overwhelmed / unable to complete tasks

  • Fear or anxiety

  • Vivid dreams

  • General apathy

Because there are no right or wrong ways to Grieve, these feelings may reveal themselves in any order, and may even oscillate over time; there are no steps or phases to follow linearly.

Though the intensity of any feeling may diminish with time, there is also no "normal" time period for someone to Grieve.

Grief is incredibly personal; take as long as is needed, regardless if months or years, so long as it does negatively impact daily life.

Though not easy to accomplish, it's best to explore and investigate these feelings, rather than judge or avoid them.

If Grief is too difficult to manage and becomes overwhelming, then it's important to seek help, either through healthy Coping behaviors, social support, or professional services.

Review the rest of this checklist for more information about ways to help manage Grief.