Aftermath / Immediately After / Determine Domestic Transport Needs

Determine Domestic Transport Needs

If the death occurred out of state, use a ground shipping company, or commercial cargo airlines to transport the deceased's body to where end-of-life arrangements are to take place.

  • Funeral Homes can help facilitate this process, especially in states which require a Known Shipper to coordinate

  • When transporting bodies via airlines, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will require that a Funeral Home certified as a Known Shipper facilitate the process

  • Some states may allow a surviving family to transport the body themselves without a licensed funeral director

  • Some states require a Death Certificate and the body be embalmed prior shipment

  • Typically, the cost of transport is relative to the weight and distance of the shipment

If no transport is preferred, the surviving family may:

  • Conduct Cremation services where the death occurred and ship or travel with ashes

  • Conduct other end-of-life arrangements and services where the death occurred