Accounts / Insurance Policies / File a Life Insurance Claim

File a Life Insurance Claim

If the deceased had a Life Insurance policy, then Beneficiaries will need to file a claim in order to receive benefits.

An Executor of the Estate cannot do this because Life Insurance does not go through Probate and because Beneficiaries are the only ones listed on the policy.

For more information about Probate review checklists in the Estate section.

File the claim relatively soon after the death because distribution of benefits may take time and benefits can help to pay for ongoing expenses such as a mortgage, credit card payments, or funeral costs.

The following steps are typically taken to file a claim and receive benefits:

  • Gather policy documents and review benefit information

  • Check for additionally held policies in case more benefits are available (accidental, social security, dismemberment, travel, etc)

  • Contact the insurance company and request claim forms (see below links for insurance claim forms)

  • Submit the form and choose how benefits are to be paid

In order to file the claim, the following documents are typically needed:

  • Death Certificate -- a proof of death is required in order to prevent fraud

  • Policy Paperwork -- documents that will detail the policy and its benefits; typically, these are be kept in a secure location like a safe deposit box or safe; if the deceased was working, their employer may have this information

  • Claim Forms -- insurance company provided documents to be filled out and submitted in order to request benefits; typically, they will ask for a policy number, the relationship between the Beneficiary and deceased, cause of death, and payment details

Typically, benefit payments can be received in the following ways:

  • Lump Sum -- insurance provider gives entire death benefit at once (not subject to taxation)

  • Annuity -- insurance provider invests death benefit and it is then paid to Beneficiaries annually with the additionally gained interest (subject to taxation)

If policy details are difficult to find, or if more information is needed to submit the claim, contact the agent who sold the policy.

Note: typically, if more than one Beneficiary is named on the policy, each person will need to submit a claim form, however each insurance provider may have their own rules, so speak with them to confirm.

See below for links to common Life Insurance companies claim forms to begin this process.